Hace 3 años que The Gift inspiró una entrada en este blog, ahora este grupo portugués reaparece al más puro estilo Thelma y Louise en un videoclip que reune dólares, armas, carreteras y palmeras en la soleada west Coast. Este fin de semana en Portugal he podido ver a carros tirados por mulas y conducidos por críos, amplios campos de naranjos de luz, playas que encierran corrientes circulares y caballos de hierros que se cruzan por las aceras. Historias paralelas que despiertan y anuncian el conjunto de sensaciones y momentos que esperan vivir dos compañeros de viajes partidarios de la felicidad. Y como decía Jaime Gil de Biedma "Para saber de amor, para aprenderle, haber estado solo es necesario..." y desde el vértigo de sus palabras, ya soy dichoso.
What made you think that I'm in love with you?
One hundred ways to be apart from you
What made you think that I'm in love with you?
One hundred ways to live my life
It's true, it's absolutely true
What made you think that I'm in love with you?
One hundred ways to heal my heart, undo
You painted all in grey
And I'll be running out
Red, green, blue it's true
They make my life full of light flashing, now
There's no dance in the dark
Let the fireworks start
Running to the stars
Never gets you very far
Follow me and then
We'll go round and round again
When you wait too long
Just carry on
Believing you're wrong
If the world explodes right now
I will hide you deep underground
Leave you on the top of the biggest tree
From there you can see the blue sea
There's no dance in the dark
Let the fireworks start
Running to the stars
Never gets you very far
Follow me and then
We'll go round and round again
When you wait too long
Just carry on
'Cause you're not alone
Believing you're wrong
There's a gun in my hand
With seventy-eight keys
If it points at your head
Would you die for me?
La condición humana
Hace 3 semanas
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